A School Magazine Paragraph For PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC

A School Magazine
The school magazine is a journal published by a school. It is generally an annual publication. It is the mirror of a school. It mainly contains the writings of the students and teachers. A Committee is formed for the publication of a committee. A senior teacher is the editor of the magazine. There are some students in the committee. The editors collect writings from the students. First a notice is given in every class. The teacher encourages the students to write. The man editors along with other editors select the best writings. It contains poems, essays, short plays, puzzles, jokes. It plays an important role in creating a new writer. It helps the students to improve their writing and thinking power. It teaches the students work together. It helps the students to express their feelings and thoughts. It highlights the various aspects of the school development programme. It adds to the glory and honor of the school.

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