A Moonlit Night, Paragraph For PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC HSC and Degree
A Moonlit Night
A moonlit night in which the
full noon shines in its entire glory in the sky is called a moonlit
night. It is really a night of dream and enjoyment. In the autumn the
sky remains cloudless and the moon looks like a big silver disc in the
sky. The silvery light of the moon floods the earth and the sky. The
moon’s rays reflecting on seas, rivers, ponds and hills create a music
spell. When the moon pours her light on the waves of water, it sparkles
like a diamond. The smooth rays of the moon please our eyes and mind.
The natural beauty of a moonlit night can better be realized than
described. People feel great joy. Children play and run about. Men and
women go from one house to another. Women can make their babies sleep
singing the songs of stars and moon. Lower animals take the moonlit for
day and start roaming about. It seems that the whole nature has taken a
new form and everywhere is bright, bright and bright. A moonlit night
spreads a feeling of joy in all objects of nature. In addition, we
forget our animosity with others. We make a congregation and chat in
different subjects with others. The moonlit night reminds us the mystery
of creation of Allah. We can evaluate the moonlit night as offering a
charming sight to all living beings.
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