Write a essay on Student and social service (For JSC, SSC, HSC Exam)

Student and social service

 Student life is a temporary period of man’s life but it is of vital importance It is the time when the seed of future prosperity and happiness is to be sown. As he will sow at this stage of life, so will be reaping in this later life. Every body has his own duties and rights. The same is true with a student. He also has certain duties.
As a bee gathers honey as a student should gather knowledge and wisdom from every source. He must not waste his time in idle pursuits but must utilize every minute to self advancement and progress. He must work for his aim.
A student should form regular habits and take great care of his character. He must obey his parents and teachers and follow other directions as they are his best well wishers.
Students should select their companions with great care. A tree is known by its fruit and a man is known by his company. This thing must be kept in mind.
It is also duty of a student to pay full attention to his studies in his class. They should have only one thing in mind and that is studies. They should not sit inattentive in the class nor copy or use unfair means in the examination nor depend upon others. They must develop habits of self reliance.
They should be symbol of love. They should be neat in everything. Students should not neglect their daily prayer.
Every student should take care of health. His aim should be have to a sound mind in a sound body. He must take regular exercise and develop his body. Without health and strength of body he will not be able to go on with his studies. Games play an important part in the development of character. And every young man should take park in the games and activities of the school.
Students are the greatest force of a nation. They are the future leaders of a country. They can build or destroy a nation. They play a vital role in a society as well as in a country.
The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. A student should study regularly. But this study should not be confined to his text book only.
He should read novels, articles, newspaper etc.Besides he must perform extra-curricular activities, such as singing, dancing, debating, etc. All these things will give them not only refreshment but also a deep sense of life. It will increase their ability.
A sound mound lives in a sound body. A student must maintain a sound body in order to maintain a sound health.
They should also try heart and soul to make themselves worthy citizens. For this, they should use most of their time in education. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society.
The most important duty of student lies in removing illiteracy among the people. Students can do this duty during there holidays. They can go to villages and make people aware of the importance of education. They can set up night schools for this purpose.
Student’s can help the common people in different ways. They can help the farmers by telling them of the need for scientific methods of cultivation. They can also help the people by telling them of the importance of birth-control.
Students can do a lot for national health. In this case, female student’s role is very important. They can teach illiterate women folk how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Besides, all students in general can teach ordinary people how to keep the environment free and clean.
Students can help the suffering people during calamities. They can collect funds for homeless and distress people and take part in relief operations. Through the Red Cross society, they can work for all the distressed of the world.

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