A, An and The এর ব্যবহার, Articles-How to use A,An and The
Rules on Articles
Consonant w`‡q Avi¤¢ nq Ggb k‡ãi
c~‡e©/Awbw`óZv eySv‡Z
It is a picture
Vowel w`‡q Avi¤¢ nq Z‡e D”PviY ÕBDÕ Gi
gZ n‡j
He is a European
‘O’ GB Gi D”PviY hLb ÕIqvÕ-i gZ nq Zvi
I saw a one eyed
msLv I
cwigvYevPK k‡ãi c~‡e©
Hasan brought a
dozen of oranges.
†ckv ev
e¨emv eySv‡Z
She is a nurse.
What w`‡q k~iy †Kvb Exclamatory
Sentence Gi Predicate †KvbCountable singular noun n‡jWhat Gi ci
What a clever girl
she was!
Countable singular
noun /noun Phrase n‡j Ges Zvi D”PviY BD/Iqv bv n‡j
Zvi c~‡e©
She took an apple.
Consonant w`‡q Avi¤¢ n‡jI Zvi D”PviY Õ VowelÕ Gi gZ n‡j
Rahim is an M.P.
‘H’ w`‡q Avi¤¢ nIqv k‡ã ‘H’ Gi D”PviY ÕA Õ Gi gZ nq ZLb †m me k‡ãi c~‡e©
He is an honest
‡Kvb eb©bvi †¶‡Î
Avgiv cÖ_‡g‘a/A’an/An, e¨envi Kwi Zvici eY©bvi welq mbv³ n‡j Zvi c~‡e©‘the/Thee¨envi Kwi |
A village doctor is
very familiar person in the village. He is the dearest to all the villagers.
hLb‘Plural indefinite countable noun e¨eüZ nq ZLb Zvi c~‡e© articlee¨en„Z ‘article nq bv |
They work in
‘H’Øviv Avi¤¢ nIqv kãwUi cÖ_gSyllable G †Rvi co‡j ‘a’ nq,†Rvi bv co‡j ‘an’ nq |
A housewife. a/an hotel
Q‡›` Q‡›` The Gi e¨envi
RvnvRvw`,wMwi cyÄ
RvwZ m¤cÖ`vq,ag©MÖb&_
‡KvU,wm‡bU I msev`cÎ,
ZvwiL,ce© I w`‡Ki bvg
hZ Av‡Q L¨vZa¨vg,
P›`ª,m~q©,MÖn Zviv
Av‡iv hZ wek¦aiv
c„w_ex‡Z GKwU Av‡Q hZ
Zvi c~‡e© em‡e The†bB wfbœgZ|
‡h †h m&_v‡b The e‡m
wbw`ó †Kvb e¨w³
ev e¯Í eySv‡Z
The water of this
pond is dirty.
mgMª †kªYx ev
RvwZ‡K eySv‡Z Singular
common noun Gi c~‡e©
The English are
Øxccy¾, BZ¨vw`I bv‡gi c~‡e©
The Padma is a
large river.
We crossed the
This is the
The Andaman is a
group of islands.
AÆvwjKv,ivR‰bwZK `j Ges m¤cÖ`v‡qi bv‡gi c~‡e©
The B.N.P is a
political party.
RvwZi bvg
The English are
The Bangladeshis
are hospitable.
weL¨vZ MÖY&_
Ges msev`c‡Gi bv‡gi c~‡e©
She recites the
holy Quran.
The Observer is a
daily newspaper.
The Titanic sank
for ever.
µwgK msLv Ges
gv‡mi bv‡gi c~‡e©
She secured the
first position in the examination.
HwZnvwmK NUbvi c~‡e©
She witnessed the
second world war.
Adjective Øviv mgv‡Ri †Kvb we‡kl †kªYx ev
†Mvôx wb‡`©wkZ n‡j Zvi c~‡e©
The poor are hated
by the rich.
Pronoun w`‡q Zzjbv †evSv‡j Zvi c~‡e©
Nazrul is the Byron
‡Kvb eY©bvg~jK
†fv‰MwjK A_© _vK‡j Zvi bv‡gi c~‡e©
The Deccan is
situated in the south
Superlative degree-i c~‡e©
He is the bravest
man in the locality.
wbw`ófv‡e eySv‡j Material wKsevabstract noun Gi c~‡e©
The kindness of
Mohsin is known to all.
Comparative Degree Gi
A_© hZ ZZ eySv‡j Zvi c~‡e©
The more you read
the more you learn.
‡Kvb Noun †K we‡kl MyiyZ¡ w`‡Z
He is the singer of
the nation.
w`‡Ki c~‡e© definite article ‘the’ e¨eüZ nq
The sun rises in
the east.
American ev Hospital IUniversity I c~‡e©B me©`vB‘the’e¨eüZ nq |
‡h †h m&_v‡b Article e‡m bv
Noun ‡K mbv³ Ki‡Z a,an,the e¨ZxZ †h medetermine e¨eüZ nq |
this, that, these, those, any, some, most, both, all, many, much, no, other,
enough, several, one, two, several, few, which, what
mKj Noun Gi c~‡e©B determiner em‡jI wb‡gœv³¸‡jvi c~‡e© e‡m bv |
Names and title
names and groups
countries, specific
locations, Nationalities,
religions, philosophies, Time period
Names and title
King Aurthur
names and groups
Green peace
countries, specific
locations, Nationalities, language, religions, philosophies,
Time period
Friday, January
Uncountable Noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ e¨eüZ nq bv |
I am fond of X tea.
Proper noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ article e¨eüZ nq bv |
Material noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ article e¨eüZ nq bv
X Iron is a useful metal.
Abstract noun Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ article e¨eüZ nq bv
X honesty is the
best policy.
bv‡gi Gi c~‡e© mvaviYZ article e¨eüZ nq bv |
He goes to X
college everyday.
Plural noun mvaviY A‡_© e¨eüZ n‡j article e¨eüZ nq bv |
X cows are gentle
mvaviY A‡_©
Lvev‡ii bv‡gi c~‡e© article e¨eüZ nq bv
She may invite you
to X
mvavibZ gvbeRvwZ
A‡_© gvbyl,bvix Ges evev,gv,PvPv,PvPx,wkyï,gvgv,gvgx BZ¨vw` G A‡_© e¨eüZ
n‡j article e¨eüZ nq bv
X Man is mortal.
fvlvi bv‡gi article e¨eüZ nq bv
He speaks X French.
w`b I gv‡mi
bv‡gi Av‡M article e¨eüZ nq bv
X January is the
first month of the year.
Drm‡ei bv‡gi
Av‡M article e¨eüZ nq bv
X Eidul Fitre is
the biggest religious festival of the Muslims.
mvavibZ Idiamic
word Gi Av‡M article e¨eüZ nq bv
She left the place
X bag and baggage.
Adjective word w`‡q †kl nIqv Clause evSentence G D³ adjective Gi c~‡e© article e¨eüZ nq bv
He is x honest.
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